Visit the United States

I have to do everything what I can do before publishing La-Mulana on Steam, because it is the last and the biggest opportunity. But, there are things that are just out of my control. In particular, to sell La-Mulana on Steam is meaningless if it is not sold in huge numbers in overseas, so we must promote it in overseas. However, we are in financial difficulties. We know it is a golden opportunity, but it’s impossible to get out of Japan and do advertising campaign overseas. Wait a second, will we regret not to do that even if we get into debt? But…

Since foreign journalists who are attending at Bit Summit are originally interested in Japanese indie games, so we have to make other people aware of La-Mulana. Then, I have got the biggest offer ever in the biggest opportunity.

I am going to GDC2013, and I will give a speech at the conference. As indie game developers, or rather as Japanese, I will be the second person who gives a solo speech. The first person is Mr. Amaya who is known as the developer of Cave Story.

About my speech, I wonder what I should say in the same way as the speech I did in Taiwan because we haven’t developed high quality games that we can be proud of. Well, it would be successful if I make the audience laugh. Instead, I am going to do everything such as interview and promotion. I have got support of PLAYISM, Bit Summit and so on for the visit to the U.S.

Wanna peep at IGF which is held next to the conference. Wanna talk with foreign indie game developers. Wanna meet La-Mulana enthusiasts if there is a chance.

Things are getting bigger and bigger after La-Mulana was Greenlit, but in contrast, it is still quiet in Japan. But, I am pretty sure that it is a climax of La-Mulana project and NIGORO’s activity until now. Don’t miss it!


  1. Tyler Brogna says

    Aw man! had i read this a few months ago, i would have totally gone to gdc!

    i cant meet you there, but i can say your la mulana is awesome and i hope you had a good time in san francisco. I have made it my duty to make people aware of this game, by basically passing it out to strangers for some kind of recommendation. you guys are great!

  2. Best of luck now that you have took the risk and signed up for this conference. I should not go since I am not in the industry, but I will hope for the best out of my home in Rhode Island!

  3. azul120 says

    Are you guys familiar with Phil Fish, an indie developer known for Fez, and his response to a Japanese developer’s question on his thoughts regarding Japanese games, where he said “Your games just suck”? I felt that might have had something to do with only a small fraction, namely, the high profile games out of Japan, getting any notice, along with Japanese developers not taking as well to big budget development and appearing creatively stagnant. Japanese indie games by contrast aren’t that well known, so I think a good speech could help bring attention to them.

  4. Jack Dandy says

    Do your best!
    I hope your gam sells very well on Steam.

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