8th Anniversary

Today, NIGORO turns 8 year old.
We had only developed FLASH games for the first 4 years and have developed LA-MULANA last 4 years.

We couldn’t keep developing games without enthusiastic support from you guys.
Thank you NIGORO fans!

We thought we should do something as expression of our gratitude, but the best thing is to make LA-MULANA 2 soundly.
So, we keep coding and designing graphics on this day.


We inform progresses of LA-MULANA 2 on Kickstarter update and backer’s forum.
But, we will inform something on this blog, too.
We appreciate your continued support!

LA-MULANA is in the sale on Playism and Steam.
Why don’t you buy it for your friend as a gift?



  1. Dentorhedge says

    Oh, and can the album be updated to include the special MIDI songs, such as Mother (MIDI), Primitive Dance version.0, Xelpud Prototype, Mulbruk version.0, and the special copyright “Kobami” tracks unique to the original version (I’m sure you can get permission since you worked on the fan version of MOG)?

    “My hand hurts from sending too many e-mails.”

    • Thanks for your suggestion! Unfortunately, due to the intensive development schedule for La-Mulana 2, we don’t have the resources to expand the soundtrack at this time.

  2. noringo says

    La-Mulana 2’s looking great so far, I can’t wait for it. I always have a few copies of La-Mulana lying around to gift to people.
    Here’s to many more anniversaries to come!

  3. Happy 8th birthday! May you have many successes for current and new projects!

  4. Video Games says

    Happy birthday you wonderful people

  5. Fireeye says

    Happy Birthday, NIGORO!

    I’m really looking forward to La-Mulana 2 – few platformers nowadays manage to keep me chained to the keyboard like La-Mulana, and I hope the second game will do the same.

  6. giga-ganon says

    Happy birthday you three at nigoro! Keep up the good work, la-mulana 2 is the game i wait the most!

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