After we released PC version’s La-mulana, especially after the Steam version was released, occasionally some great guys asked us “Will you release *** language version? Let me translate it.”
Thank you for waiting. Now we are ready.
LAMULANA_01_PC_ALL_TEXTS_PUBLIC (google spreadsheet)
Note: We have closed user translation.
We disclose whole message data of La-Mulana for the people who wants to translate it into their native language.
If you translate all texts according to the rule written in the first sheet of the Docs file, we can make additional language pack.
La-Mulana is released on various vendors, so we are afraid it is difficult to upgrade each version’s La-Mulana officially.
Then, those language packs will be Mods made by translators or translation teams.
If many people independently start translation at once, that would be confusing.
We think it would be better to set up forums such as “Translation into Italian” and “Translation into French” on Steam community.
Anyway, we will support someone who wants to translate.
LAMULANA_01_PC_ALL_TEXTS_PUBLIC (google spreadsheet) <—- This Korean translated
Constantly updating and modification.
Hello admin
I sent the translated text file …
Did mail arrives?
Yes, we have received your data. Thanks for your work.
Sorry, but we have joined an event for the last few days.
We have already got several kinds of translation data and will make a language pack one by one.
i’m is Jellysupang
Translation of LAMULANA_01_PC_ALL_TEXTS_PUBLIC sends be completed.
Please by all means apply.
I want to enjoy in Korean!
Thank you. -> to Mail has been sent. This is a fixed request
I’d try my hand at a german translation.
A question, do you want a standalone file or a copied google docs document? And if standalone, is libreoffice calc ok?
And if you update the fonts, will Nüwa be displayed correctly in the english version too?
Hi Lordgorash,
First question, any format would be fine as long as we can read the file and you keep UTF-8 character set,
but a link of google spread sheet or MS Excel format would be easier for us.
Second question, all fonts in the game are original, so we will implement some characters only used in German like ä, ö, ü.
So, those words would be displayed correctly in German as well.
We would appreciate your effort!
Hello Admin
How do I create a language pack?
Request support the Korean language.
We are afraid that we have no resource to provide technical support for MODs at this stage.
You can create your language pack by analysing original source code, or let us make it by completing the translation sheets.
hello admin
So to translate the language and we’ll send a URL.
LAMULANA_01_PC_ALL_TEXTS_PUBLIC (google spreadsheet) <—- This translated
Please send us your data by email when you complete to translate all texts.
We would appreciate your effort.
I think about the text translation.
Touching send to translate text code given up
Do you send it applies to the game?
Hi Jellysupang,
I’m sorry I don’t really get you.
But, we will get back your translation data as a additional language pack.
Then, you can do whatever you public it and give it to your friends.
Did I answer your question?
French translation in progress.
(si vous êtes intéressés, viendez sur le topic dédié sur le forum Steam)
Awesome! I have begun to translate the texts into Brasilian Portuguese. It’s a massive task, so if anyone is interested in joining the works, feel free to contact me: sylux_mp3 AT hotmail DOT com. Cheers!
Hi! Are you gonna keep tabs on which translations are being made / have been finished?
And, more specifically: I saw at Steam that the game’s interface is in spanish, but are the rest of the game’s contents also translated to spanish? If they aren’t, I’ll get busy with it
Thank you very much!
Hello Jaymz,
Steam version’s La-Mulana has Japanese, English, Spanish and Russian.
All contents in the game are translated to Spanish and Russian, but if you are interested in making your own Spanish version, that would be great for Spanish-speaking people to be able to choose another translation.
NIGORO doesn’t have the right to disclose Spanish and Russian texts. So, we can officially provide only Japanese and English texts.
Hi again!
If you guys think it’s worth the effort, I’ll get to it ASAP, starting by setting up a forum at Steam.
First of all, thanks for your answer!
BTW: are the other versions gonna get the translations, too? Like the one at GOG, for instance?
Thanks again!
Best regards.
Hi Jaymz,
We think all additional languages would be released as MODs by users. PC version’s La-Mulana is released on several platforms, so we would not be able to update each version every time we get new language. But, we will help you to make your additional language pack and announce on our official blog and twitter when it is completed.
Thank you very much. My translation is in progress.
But I have a question. In the past people from other countries had problems with seeing diacritics from my language. I’m worried that because you’re Japanese, your computers won’t show these characters properly when I send you the file. Tell me if you can see them:
It should look like this:
Hi Ababeb,
Are those characters Polish language?
As long as you use UTF-8 character set, it will be fine.
We created original font for the game. Those characters haven’t implemented in the original font sets.
This is the reason people have a trouble with seeing those characters.
NIGORO is willing to create new font data for additional language pack when all texts are translated into a certain language.
So, all you need to do is to focus on the spread sheet.
Thanks for your effort and we are looking forward to completing Polish version La-Mulana!
great new, i would love to translate it in french, but i’m not fluent enough in english to do a good job with it! You should make an update on the kickstarter for that too!