The 7th Flash game from NIGORO: the rebirth of the real-time simulation puzzler! Take jobs throughout the universe as head of Future Development Company. Satisfy the bizarre demands of the space colonies, fend off attacks from the bad aliens, and achieve intergalactic corporate domination!
Future Development Company: The universe’s handyman, we have the tech to handle any job! We’ve just recently expanded, with a branch office in the space colonies. But their requests just get crazier and crazier, and in the meantime they’re constantly under attack from the bad aliens.
With the operator Opeko at your side, take the reins as company president, completing jobs and opening new offices throughout the universe!

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How to Play
To complete your mission, you will need to develop the building(s) required to achieve each stage’s goal. Some stages will require development of multiple brand-new buildings that must be created in proper order. Creating buildings starts with research, but Labs require constant funding to operate, and if your funds run out, you instantly fail the mission, so you’ll first need to get some Factories operational.
Running Factories
Operating a Factory requires Energy. Start by building an Energy Plant. When the plant is built, staff will be sent out from the head office to begin operation. Once your plant is running, it’s time to build a Factory. You can place it right next to the Energy Plant, or you can set it up somewhere else and connect it to the plant with a pipeline.
In general, buildings must be built next to a road. When personnel are sent to staff a building, if there’s something in the road obstructing their path, they’ll turn around and return to the head office. Key points for success are construction order and efficient connection of Factories to Energy Plants.
Building Labs
Factories earn you money once they’re operational. When you have enough money, it’s time to build a Lab. When a Lab is up and running, work will begin on the research plans prepared for each mission.
Research proceeds faster the more Labs you have, but operating Labs also costs money. If you have more Labs than Factories, the cost to operate the Labs will outweigh the funding brought in by the Factories, and your funds will decrease. If you have Labs and Factories in equal number, the two will cancel each other out your funds will remain static. When building Labs, try to strike the proper balance against the number of Factories.
Click a building on the map to bring up the Info balloon. You can check the building’s status and use the Hire and Scrap commands.
UFO Attacks
As you play, you will occasionally be attacked by UFOs controlled by the bad aliens. UFOs will pick a building and start attacking it. To counter a UFO, click the Fight Button in the upper-right corner to enter Fight Mode. In Fight Mode, you can engage with UFOs who are attacking your buildings. Click repeatedly on the UFO (or the meter displayed just above it) to fill up the meter. When it maxes out, the UFO will be successfully driven off.
UFOs come in two flavors: Abduction and Attack. Abduction UFOs kidnap personnel from your buildings. This results in a staff shortage, which prevents the building from operating. Attack UFOs zero in on a building and then use a beam weapon to destroy it. If a building is destroyed, you also lose all staff members inside it, so be careful. Should an Energy Plant be destroyed, all buildings drawing Energy from the plant will also blow up in a chain reaction.
Other Buildings
Research takes time. While your Labs are busy, try erecting some other buildings. As you build more, the number of staff on standby at the head office will decrease. Use the Recruit command to replenish your headcount. However, recruiting new staff does require a significant chunk of funds, and after you recruit once, you’ll need to wait a while before the command is available again.
It helps to build Intel before recruiting. If Intel is operational, not only will the number of staff you can recruit at once increase, but the delay before you can recruit again will be shortened. Intel will also give you advance warning of UFO attacks.
If you build a Gun Battery, you’ll be able to shoot down UFOs. When you enter Fight Mode, you can click on any operational Gun Battery. Clicking on the battery will direct it to fire in the direction of the UFO. Each bullet costs a small amount of money, but if you can bring down the UFO, you’ll receive a cash reward. Gun Batteries do have limited range, so it’s a good idea to build them near the buildings you most want to protect.
Completing New Buildings
Completed research plans are useless until they’re put into actual production in your Factories. If you have operational Factories, the plan will enter manufacturing. You can check on the status with the Status command. When production is complete, the new building will be added to the Build command. Possible new buildings vary with each stage, and they have various effects, such as enabling research into other types of new buildings, or achieving mission-clear goals. Repeat this process until you complete the stage, paying attention to Opeko’s suggestions as you go.
Mission Complete
Accomplish a stage’s set goals to complete the mission. Each stage has its own funky mission. For details on what exactly is required of you, ask Opeko for help.
Game Over
If your Funds or Staff count reach zero, or the head office gets destroyed, it’s game over. When fighting UFOs, the strength of each building is determined by the number of staff inside, so if you have no personnel on standby in the head office when an Attack UFO shows up, it can destroy your office in an instant. Using the Info balloon to monitor building status is crucial.
You can replay a stage you’ve cleared at any time, so if you’re going for a high score, you can play again and again. If you clear all four stages, the Final Stage will become available. Unlike the previous four stages, this last one features a frightening number of attacking UFOs. It’ll take all the skills you’ve practiced to make it through this one.